Does Mouthwash Expire?

Mouthwash has its place in a well-rounded, thorough oral health maintenance routine. But, just like replacing your toothbrush every 3–4 months, sometimes you have to think about numbers and dates when it comes to keeping your smile happy.

So, to answer the key question, yes, mouthwash does expire. 

“Usually, mouthwash is good for a maximum of 2 to 3 years from the manufacture date. Most mouthwash contains alcohol or another astringent, which starts to dissolve after 2 or 3 years and essentially waters down the liquid. This may encourage bacteria growth, which makes expired mouthwash potentially unsafe to use.”

Now, you probably don’t have a hard time making sure that the bottle of the mouthwash on your countertop or in your bathroom vanity is well within date. But emergency, tucked away or “just in case” mouthwash reserves in purses, desk drawers or glove compartments can slip under the radar.

What’s the big deal about squishing with expired mouthwash? It may contain bacteria and rancid ingredients, making it unsafe for use

When in doubt, buy a new one or forgo your mouthwash session for the moment. You don’t want to take any risks.

See you next time.